When was the last time you jumped out of bed, clear headed, ready to face your day?

Are you tired all the time?

  • Is fatigue keeping you from doing everything you want to do?
  • When was the last time you didn’t have to take a nap every day?
  • Do you miss activities with your family or friends?
  • Were you embarrassed when your boss called on you during a meeting, and you had dozed off or checked out?
  • Are you able to get through all of your housework without resting?
  • Are you just tired and feel like CRAP!
  • And are you irritable by 4 pm?

There is much more to life than dragging yourself around by the back of your blouse. You can have energy...

Did you know that fatigue isn’t just about sleep??

Fatigue has 6 leading causes:

  1. Sleep quality and quantity
  2. Hormonal shifts
  3. Neurotransmitter imbalance
  4. Adrenal Imbalance
  5. Blood sugar imbalance
  6. Vitamin and or mineral deficiencies

It's no wonder fatigue is the most common complaint I hear every day! The increasing workload and expectations at work, coupled with longer hours and lower pay, are taking a toll on your energy levels.

On top of being tired, you are stressed about:

  • money,
  • your health,
  • time,
  • kids,
  • spouse,
  • how you're  supposed to look, and
  • what to wear,  and
  • who we are to be seen with...on and on - it’s exhausting.  And that is just the mental component!


There are answers! !
So, let’s figure this out together.

What if there was a new perspective?

What if you saw this from a different perspective? Before you freak out that I'm going to take away all of the food that gives you joy or make you do ridiculous amounts of exercise...you need to know a couple of things.

First, I have nothing against our "traditional medicine" for acute health crises.

I'm not sure if you realize that your traditionally trained doctor has had about 7-25 hours of nutritional training. And they aren't trained to read labs from a functional perspective. I know, it's mind-boggling.

The good news is that there is a different way to look at your labs. We can assess all your lifestyle habits to get to the root cause.

From the Functional perspective, I believe your body is doing its best to stay healthy.

When you give your body the right “ingredients”—food, water, movement, sleep, and positive thoughts and feelings—it will reward you with “feeling awesome.”

However, when any of this is out of balance, your body gets out of balance. Then, you start feeling crappy.

Unfortunately, there is not a magic pill or drug for “I feel like crap" or "I'm so tired." 

I will look at things from an “Optimal Health” perspective. Because in the long run, this is what you want...optimal health, right?


Functional Lab Ranges are Different

I will look at your labs. However, I run a Functional Health Panel. It includes

  • additional thyroid tests,
  • functional tests for vitamin deficiencies,
  • Vitamin D, a complete iron panel, and more.
  • We can look at hormones or adrenals if necessary.

Let’s say there are lots of things to look at, and a new pair of eyes with Functional Medicine lenses will ferret out your issues.  Finding the root of your fatigue is like Sherlock Holmes looking for the final clue. And this is one of my favorite parts of being a Functional Medicine doc, finding the needle in the haystack!

You Can Heal

Imagine having boundless energy! It's absolutely possible. However, it does require some time and effort to improve your lifestyle and replenish what's missing. This process may take a while, but the results are worth it.

If your vitamin or mineral bucket has been empty for a while, it will take a few months to fill it back up. However, you can feel better sooner than that. 

The bottom line is you really don’t have to feel so tired...You can have endless energy!

Don't wait any longer to take control of your health. Schedule your free phone consultation today. Click here to better understand the Functional Medicine approach and how it can help heal your fatigued body.

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