Doing a new thing?

Doing a new thing?

Isaiah 43:19
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.


Welcome - Quick update before I move on to doing a new thing - 3 Yes’s...

  • Yes, I moved to a new state.
  • Yes, I still have a virtual practice.
  • Yes I have a new podcast! Podcast available Apple, Spotify and YouTube


What happens to you when you are going to try a new thing? Most of you don’t really like change. You like it while it’s exciting and new.  Yet, when the new wears off, it gets discarded. And you're on to the next thing. But, what if the new thing is BIG, like a career move? Or location change? What about a relationship status change? What do you do?

I've seen 3 different responses to doing a new thing:

  1. First, You hit it head on. You're a bull in the china closet. You leap before you look. And maybe you only assess the consequences down the road. Or you go on your “gut feeling or intuition”. Do you know the voice of the Holy Spirit so well, you Just Do It. 
  2. Second, you freak out, get anxious and procrastinate? You may not know this, most procrastination is usually the result of Resistance! Steven Pressfield in the War of Art, says procrastination feigns as perfectionism and insecurity.
  3. Third, do you hide and lack vulnerability? This is me. I go underground. Yes, avoidance behavior. I attempt to hide from God  😂 This of course is just another form of Resistance. When I'm afraid of what others think, I hide.

We cannot hide from God.

God's light shines in the darkness

Psalm 139 tells us that we cannot hide from God. He knows everything about us. And yes that  includes all our insecurities and doubts.  He formed us exactly the way we are for His purposes. I was on a long run. And this is where I landed. Smack dad in the middle of one of my favorite Psalms. 

So, I’m leaping, and taking the big step. Every time I try something new, I’m reminded of the scene in Indiana Jones. He must cross a chasm that has no bridge. It's a leap of faith. He must take a step first, then the stepping stone appears. Our action must come first.

The Israelites had to walk in the river Jordan first. We have to take massive, brave action, first!

This podcast is the first of my new format. Shorter, to the point. I will include everything from what to eat and drink to how to move,  sleep, think feel and have faith. So you’ll want to stay in touch and subscribe to learn more about my BIG, SCARY project.

Will you stay stuck?

I’d love to hear about your forms of resistance. Will  you just stay stuck and justify your position OR will you take the leap into the exciting adventure God has planned for you?