Posts by Dr. Kris Sargent
Natural Lifestyle Solutions for PCOS and Hair Loss
Natural Solutions for PCOS and Hair Loss PCOS, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, can be so maddening for you! Seriously, the shift from estrogen to testosterone has you losing hair on your head and growing hair in places us ladies really do NOT want to grow it! What is the root cause of this crazy hair growth…
Read MoreFatigue Management Plan (Kick the Crap out of The Morning Fatigue)
Seriously, is it morning already? Uhhggg! You roll over and pull the covers up, snuggling into the warmth for just a few more minutes. Those glasses of wine are ringing in your head as the alarm goes off again…you drag yourself out of bed and to the coffee maker… your mouth is like cotton…your family…
Read MorePCOS Weight Loss: The Magic is Emotion
UGH!! Another weight loss blog? It’s so confusing to know what to believe on the internet. I understand! PCOS has some very specific challenges when it comes to weight loss. Rolling hormones and high testosterone can make managing emotions difficult. So, let’s get your emotions into the game instead of using food to stuff them.…
Read More5 Surprising Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight
I hear it all the time… “I’m doing everything I am supposed to do but I can’t lose weight!”… “I just don’t know what to do anymore…” I have been challenged with keeping my weight under control most of my life and I really get it! It is super frustrating. I have learned some surprising…
Read MoreThe Best Supplements to Help Thyroid Function
The thyroid gland is pretty amazing. It’s responsible for turning on every cell of your body and keeping those cells running. This gland impacts every hormone and neurotransmitter produced, and influences literally every aspect of your metabolism. What’s frustrating, are so many supplements touting tremendous thyroid cures. Maybe you’ve spent tons of money, only to…
Read MoreDiabetes and Hair Loss (Causes and Solutions)
Diabetes is a chronic medical condition that affects millions of people worldwide and can lead to serious complications if left untreated. Managing diabetes requires a combination of lifestyle changes and medical treatment, including monitoring blood sugar levels, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly.
Read MoreMy Top 10 Self Love Tips
Self care and loving yourself are hot topics among us women in the U.S. and around the world. Personally, I am taking this on BIG TIME right now! I have discovered the secret to being good enough. Let’s dive into my top 10 self love tips. So just for fun…think about something a little different…
Read More5 Innovative Strategies for Diabetes Recovery
So, you finally got the nerve to go to your doctor. You’ve been avoiding it because you have gained some weight, okay, like 50 pounds, since the last time you saw him 5 years ago. You feel okay, a little sluggish maybe, you get sleepy after meals but you know you aren’t sleeping well, and…
Read MoreGluten Free and Dairy Free Diet: The Ultimate Guide
Seriously, another blog about a gluten free and dairy free diet? I know! I have heard every whine and wale in the book! Another Gluten Free and Dairy Free Diet: The Ultimate Guide. “I can’t live without bread” “It’s too hard” “I feel like I have to give up my social life” “There’s nothing to…
Read MoreWhat is food sensitivity testing?
You have been prodded by your gastroenterologist and poked by your allergist and still they find nothing wrong. You have all kinds of symptoms and are sure they are related to some of the food you are eating, but you can’t get any answers. Then, someone mentions Food Sensitivity Testing… Before you roll your eyes…
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