The Best Supplements to Help Thyroid Function

The thyroid gland is pretty amazing.  It’s responsible for turning on every cell of your body and keeping those cells running. This gland impacts every hormone and neurotransmitter produced, and influences literally every aspect of your metabolism. What’s frustrating, are so many supplements touting tremendous thyroid cures. Maybe you’ve spent tons of money, only to…

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Diabetes and Hair Loss (Causes and Solutions)

Ugh! The shower drain is full of hair again! You have had to clean that shower drain with increasing frequency over the past couple months. So annoying! When you finally get the courage to look at it, you realize it’s YOUR hair! You are losing hair! Your intuition tells you, “something is really wrong if…

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5 Innovative Strategies for Diabetes Recovery

So, you finally got the nerve to go to your doctor.  You’ve been avoiding it because you have gained some weight, okay, like 50 pounds, since the last time you saw him 5 years ago. You feel okay, a little sluggish maybe, you get sleepy after meals but you know you aren’t sleeping well, and…

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What is food sensitivity testing?

You have been prodded by your gastroenterologist and poked by your allergist and still they find nothing wrong. You have all kinds of symptoms and are sure they are related to some of the food you are eating, but you can’t get any answers. Then, someone mentions Food Sensitivity Testing… Before you roll your eyes…

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Are Functional Medicine Doctors Covered by Insurance?

Your Insurance isn’t about Health Healthcare in America has been turned inside out in the past 10 years, and even more in the past 3 years. Your deductibles have skyrocketed, $2000 to even $10,000, when just a decade ago, less than $1000 was common. Your premiums have also gone through the roof! Doubled and tripled…

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