God is Like Spanx

Seven Reasons God is Like Spanx Is this sacrilegious? No, I firmly believe that God’s character is made of an abundant sense of humor that accompanies His unending and unfailing grace and mercy. Seriously, have you read the story of Job or Noah? So here ya go, the seven reasons God is like Spanx. Just…

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Did you know that you have the power to control 70-90% of your health? Think about this: would you ever wait for your car’s gas tank to be completely empty, leaving you stranded on the side of the road? Are you stranded? Traditional Medical Care Well, this is the way your traditional doctor sees your…

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How to Overcome Awkwardness

AWKWARD! Have you ever felt awkward? You know that slightly embarrassing feeling that everyone is looking and judging, and you’ve been caught in all your humanness? We’ve all felt that way at one time or another. One of my favorite characters, Jonah, felt pretty awkward, so he ran from God. I did too. However, I’ve learned…

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Natural Remedies For Viruses

Natural Remedies for Viruses With the recent concern of the Coronavirus, Covid-19, I thought you should know my take on the this outbreak. The four main things you need to know are: How is it spread? Who is most susceptible? What are some natural remedies for viruses? What to do when you get sick.  …

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Happy Healthy Holiday

5 Tips to a Happy Healthy Holiday The holiday season is here whether we like it or not. This can bring up all kinds of guilt, weight gain, crazy-busy and at the end of the season, we realize we didn’t even enjoy any of it. Let’s ramp up for the end of the year, and…

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4 Easy Steps: How to Become a Morning Person

How to Become a Morning Person I know, I can hear the groans of the night owls already! Hey, you clicked on this blog, so you must at least be curious. Becoming a morning person is a process, it’s not genetic, it’s a choice.  I heard that eye-roll! Something in your life isn’t working. You…

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