Does Your Health Get in The Way of What God Wants You To DO?

Or...Not So Much??? I was like you...

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...and Some Things Changed

Motivation: Shame and Guilt Shifted to Stewardship, Grace and Gratitude


I had Body Image Issues, was a Fat Kid, an Introvert, Moved a lot, performed for love and validation, had, not enough, could poor self-image and self-esteem never do enough, feeling "flat," not happy or sad.

  • I loved myself as long as you look like...IG? FB?
  • I smiled on the outside, miserable on the inside
  • I thought my willpower and self-discipline should be enough
  • BUT... "Something would happen, and the self-sabotage, yo-yo cycle would begin again--> More Shame and Guilt...

Make an Appointment with Dr Sargent Today

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God showed up! And my perspective shifted. Now, from a place of love, not guilt or shame, I get to help you with your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual journey.

How to get started in functional medicine


It's Your Turn!

  • Are You at the End of Your Rope?
  • Afraid to start something new again?
  • Prone to perfectionism and comparison?
  • Ready to shift, reluctantly ready to ask for help, ready to take a new approach?
  • Not sure how to put yourself first or where to begin.

 One of my favorite things is to take time to listen to your story. You're not alone.

First, we will Zoom together to get your whole health history. Your history provides many clues to your areas of imbalanced body functions and treatment needs.

Next, blood work. As part of my program, I order an extensive functional health blood panel. I use optimal levels to find your deficiencies and functional imbalances.

Then, we will create a DOABLE plan together. This plan will include initial nutritional and supplement recommendations and discounted access to professional supplements.

Then, we decide how much follow-up you need to be successful and learn how to really care for your body.

Your body has the Ultimate Power to heal when it's functioning optimally. You will go from SURVIVE to THRIVE!

Ready For Your Best Body For God? These ladies did it with Functional Medicine, so can YOU!


"My digestion hasn't been normal in over 20 years! I lost 20 pounds, have less knee pain and can be more active. I sleep better and have more energy"

B. Attorney
59 years old

“I can finally get to sleep at a normal time, I was able to change my mindset and reframe my habits, my self esteem is better, I let go of a lot of guilt and shame. I finally feel like I can really work in my ministry with clearer focus and more energy"

D. Christian Ministry
35 years old

"I know how to eat! I was pre-diabetic and I learned how to combine my carbs and protein for more energy and lower blood sugar. I'm almost off all my meds!"

C. Accountant
46 years old

Luke 12 tells us...

"Be dressed for service and keep your lamps burning...The servants who are ready and waiting for his return will be rewarded."

tired of having fatigue

"My hormones are finally balanced. I didn't know that my food and exercise would help my sleep, which then, straightened out my cycles, PMS and libido! It was like a miracle and not that hard! I can do so much more for my church. And bonus, my kids and husband are happier, because Mama is happier!"

J. Photographer
45 years old

"Even though I work in healthcare, I needed a coach to help me stay accountable. I lost that pesky 20 pounds, straightened out my food issues which fixed my digestion. I learned that everything is connected. Dr Kris also helped me see, over time, that I didn't need to carry the guilt and shame of my past."

G. Nurse
40 years old

Let's Get Your Body Ready for ALL that God has in Store for YOU!


Is that self-sabotage, I hear?
Are Guilt, Shame, Disappointment, Anger or
Fear over what you've tried in the past getting in your way?
Click the box and let's's free!



Make an Appointment with Dr Sargent Today

For a Free Personal Consultation OR To Speak at Your Event

drk 2
Simply Functional Medicine Dr Kris Sargent

Dr. Kris Sargent

You've Sacrificed Your Body for the last time

I've Been There...I Get It

PMS and Menopause, Hormone issues, Headaches, Frequent infections, Lots of antibiotics, Difficulty with weight loss, Post Partum Depression, Adrenal Fatigue, Irritable Bowel, Gallbladder issues, Auto-immune symptoms – Yep, I have HAD them all! YES! In the past!

My story isn’t that different from yours. At 60, I am blessed to say I am now in excellent health. There have been many times throughout my life when my health has been an issue. When I was 8, I was so mistreated by my family doctor that I vowed at that moment that I would never see an MD like that again.  And that I would find a way to change how patients were treated.

Now, with over 30 years of experience, thousands of hours of practice, patients, and programs, let’s get to the root of your health issues and stop masking the symptoms. So, let’s look at your labs from a functional perspective instead of just looking for diseases. Then, allow someone to really listen to your story about your health journey and create a clear solution. Come on !! Take Your Health Back!

Here is link to my free ebook to get started or CLICK HERE for your free phone consultation. You got this!

Make an Appointment with Dr Sargent Today

For a Free Personal Consultation OR To Speak at Your Event


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Traditional Medical Care Well, this is the way your traditional doctor sees your body.  Medical doctors in America are trained to find a disease so they can come in and “save” you with a pill or surgery. Admittedly, sometimes it’s necessary to be rescued. If you have acute mental illness, heart attack, injury, stroke, acute issues.…
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