Virtual Office Visits

New ZOOM Lingo The last year certainly has changed all of our lives forever. Although I have been using a video platform to see clients for over five years,  you may be new to the whole online meeting thing.  There is nothing to be afraid of, it’s super simple and free for you. I use…

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Natural Remedies For Viruses

Natural Remedies for Viruses With the recent concern of the Coronavirus, Covid-19, I thought you should know my take on the this outbreak. The four main things you need to know are: How is it spread? Who is most susceptible? What are some natural remedies for viruses? What to do when you get sick.  …

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Happy Healthy Holiday

5 Tips to a Happy Healthy Holiday The holiday season is here whether we like it or not. This can bring up all kinds of guilt, weight gain, crazy-busy and at the end of the season, we realize we didn’t even enjoy any of it. Let’s ramp up for the end of the year, and…

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Hormone Balancing Part 2

Top 10 Hormone Balancing Tips: PMS, Menopause and Infertility Balance your blood sugar. This alone can re-regulate your cycle, decrease your PMS and Menopausal symptoms alone. Here are my suggestions: Lean Protein, Healthy fats, Vegetables and no more than about 2 cups of fruit. Eat 4-6 times per day. Skipping meals increases cortisol, which breaks down…

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What is Functional Medicine?

Get Your Life Back with Functional Medicine Ever been at a party, someone tells you what they do, it’s something complicated and you stand there with a blank look on your face thinking: HUH?? I get that look all the time when I tell people I practice Functional Medicine.  So, to clarify what I do…

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Healthy Airport Eats

  Healthy Airport Eats On my way home from a recent leadership training trip, I looked around at the food in the airport. Geez…you all make a TON of excuses about your food choices when you travel.  Watch out, this is going to be one of those blogs when I shoot the arrow between your…

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Eating Healthy on a Budget

Eating Healthy on a Budget You say that’s impossible?? You think you can’t eat healthy on a budget! Organic vegetables, grass fed, free range meat and chicken are popular and expensive.  But, there are times when eating organic and perfectly clean just doesn’t fit your budget. My philosophy on this whole organic, clean food thing…

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Healthy Human Habits Challenge: The 5 Basics Of A Healthy Life

Healthy Human Habits Challenge As another year comes to a close have you looked at everything you accomplished this year?  Have you taken a moment to celebrate yourself? Have you found gratitude in your life? OR Are you just frustrated with everything that didn’t get done, and the broken promises you made to yourself? Not…

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