The Spark Vlog Blog

Dr Kris dives into the information you need to be the healthiest version of you for God.

Easy reads. Great Videos.

How to Stay Calm: 5 Keys to Self Care in a Crisis

By Dr. Kris Sargent

How to Stay Calm Life can be chaotic When we least expect it – in comes a curve ball. When life happens, how do you respond? My first instinct is to withdraw until the crisis is over.  Do you announce it all over social media? Do you tell your besties? Or you take it out…

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5 Healthy Holiday Habits

By Dr. Kris Sargent

5 Healthy Holiday Habits I don’t know about you, but I love a good holiday party. Mouth watering appetizers like hot, bubbly, cheesy, spinach and artichokes, on crusty bread; endless baskets of corn chips, salsa and guacamole, a great charcuterie platter…YUM! And with a good glass of wine, even better. Yes, I am a foodie! …

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How to Change Your Life In a Blink

By Dr. Kris Sargent

How to Change Your Life… What are you looking at? Not to be snarky, but what are you seeing around your life? Are you stuck? Not Heard? Or Constantly striving? Caught up in drama? Never enough time to get stuff done? Self Sabotaging behaviors? Never seems like enough? I totally understand these feelings!  Been there,…

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Healing America: 5 Unique Solutions to End the Anger

By Dr. Kris Sargent

Healing America: 5 Unique Solutions to End the Anger I’m probably one of the most patriotic chicks you’re gonna meet.  I can no longer sit by and watch our great country self destruct. Every week there are more incidences of Americans self-destructing and taking down others with them.  As I write this, we are going…

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Wheaton Chiropractor

Wheaton Chiropractor Takes a Leap of Faith: Full Time Integrative and Functional Medicine in Glen Ellyn

By Dr. Kris Sargent

How Do I Get Unstuck? Yes, I’m done! I remember that December day a three years ago so vividly.  My staff was in shock, and they assured me things would look better the next day. However, I knew what I needed to do for for you, my patients and clients.  I also knew my family…

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PCOS and Hair Loss

Natural Lifestyle Solutions for PCOS and Hair Loss

By Dr. Kris Sargent

Natural Solutions for PCOS and Hair Loss PCOS, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, can be so maddening for you! Seriously, the shift from estrogen to testosterone has you losing hair on your head and growing hair in places us ladies really do NOT want to grow it! What is the root cause of this crazy hair growth…

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Fatigue Management Plan (Kick the Crap out of The Morning Fatigue)

By Dr. Kris Sargent

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Seriously, is it morning already? Uhhggg! You roll over and pull the covers up, snuggling into the warmth for just a few more minutes. Those glasses of wine are ringing in your head as the alarm goes off again…you drag yourself out of bed and to the coffee maker… your mouth is like cotton…your family…

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PCOS and weight loss

PCOS Weight Loss: The Magic is Emotion

By Dr. Kris Sargent

UGH!! Another weight loss blog? It’s so confusing to know what to believe on the internet. I understand! PCOS has some very specific challenges when it comes to weight loss. Rolling hormones and high testosterone can make managing emotions difficult. So, let’s get your emotions into the game instead of using food to stuff them.…

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5 Surprising Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight

By Dr. Kris Sargent

I hear it all the time… “I’m doing everything I am supposed to do but I can’t lose weight!”… “I just don’t know what to do anymore…” I have been challenged with keeping my weight under control most of my life and I really get it!  It is super frustrating. I have learned some surprising…

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